He estat a tot arreu
Xibeca is a legendary brand founded in 1931 in Catalonia that’s been a part of everyone’s lives. To launch its new image, we decided to work from its original character, elevate it and connect with a younger audience.
Project Scope
To work on a campaign for Xibeca, starting from its original 1931 spirit, to communicate its makeover and connect with a younger audience after not communicating with its customers for many years
Xibeca is 1-litre bottle of beer par excellence in Catalonia: with its smooth taste and its size that’s ideal for sharing, it’s been present at gatherings of friends, local festivals, celebrations and in general among young people for generations.
To convey that idea, we used an iconic but little-known song from a local group and turned the campaign into a shared album of memories. Under the motto “He estado en todas partes”, we worked on an item that eschewed clichés and presented recognisable situations which audiences could empathise with. The item was made in a young and modern production style that combined photo and video material in a variety of textures to show a succession of highly realistic moments.
We ended with a message that contrasted the origin of the brand with its new packaging: “Original from 1931. New image from 2021”.
“The role of music was key to this campaign. On the one hand, because the rhythm allowed us to assemble a frenetic video that helps audiences understand the variety of experiences lived with Xibeca. And on the other, because the lyrics reinforce the brand’s local spirit, that very close relationship it’s always enjoyed with consumers.”
Uri Fernández Executive Creative Director
The campaign started in digital form and spread to radio, outdoors and TV in the form of a 40-second spot. Thanks to the weight of the song we were able to create a highly recognisable ad that transferred the mood of the item to radio. As for the graphics, we used the brand’s new labels to work billboards and iconic buses.
Grupo Damm
Agency Staff
Rosa Pla
Marta Navarro, Marta Artigas
Luis Conde
Uri Fernández
Pita Gan
Núria Pujol
Samuel Valiente
Rubens Pérez
Iria C. Martínez
Martí Ibarz
Vàlius (Versión de "I've Been Everywhere", de Geoff Mack).
Òscar Nadal
Cristina Coll
Enric Costa
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