When everything is changing, what's the point of always doing the same old things?
→   Uncertainty, volatility, unpredictability. Everything has changed dramatically in recent years, but the brands still want the same thing they always have: to reach audiences and connect with them. What was once relatively simple with the television, has now become more complex than ever before.
→   With the advent of the internet, we've gone from having a handful of television channels to countless options: social media, digital media, apps, content platforms… With television penetration falling year after year, the ecosystem has broken into a thousand pieces, making it more difficult than ever to find audiences. Audiences that, for added complexity, have also been divided into smaller subgroups with very different interests and tastes.
→   People now have a lot more control over the advertising they consume. If there's an ad they don't like, they skip it. If a brand isn't relevant to them, they don't follow it. Advertising has become intermingled with all the content that we are exposed to. Something which in theory is good for brands, but also poses challenges of its own. Our ad is no longer only competing with other ads, but also with Ibai, with Putos Modernos, with the stories told by hundreds of friends, etc.
   If our ad is competing with the whole of the internet, we have to be interesting or we'll blend into the background.
→   Against this backdrop, many agencies have seen the advent of the digital age as a threat rather than an opportunity, and many still believe that they can carry on applying traditional mass advertising models.
   Not us. We believe that there's no better time than now.
   That the internet and digital culture have changed the rules forever. And that if we understand this context properly and change the way we see advertising, endless possibilities will open up that before we not only did not have, we could not even have imagined them.
→   For this reason, since 2009, we have been developing a type of agency that is suited to this new scenario. A model based on in-depth strategic knowledge of the brand and culture, which focuses on connecting with the audience wherever they are.

Brand strategy
Digital strategy
Customer research
Creative conceptualisation
Content strategy
Data intelligence
Paid media
Social media
Digital production
Influence marketing
Digital PR

   Because anything is possible now: a thread on Twitter can be a campaign, creating a TikTok channel can hit a new brief, launching a new product can be an excuse for putting the brand's point of view across and technology can be used for a sales promotion.
   And the opportunities are there. Whether we seize them or not is down to each individual.

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